June 27, 2017
A pure, focused vision - Blackenbrook making head-lines in Wine NZ
Super-stoked to read Charmian Smith's article in the latest Wine NZ Magazine:
A pure, focused vision

Daniel and Ursula Schwarzenbach have an unusually tight focus in both their operation and the style of wine they make at Blackenbrook in Nelson. [...]
The Swiss couple have no aspirations to expand beyond making 6000 cases of wine, a little up from the 5000 cases they produce from their 8ha vineyard at present, and that is to meet export demands from Germany and Japan.
They have declined requests to do contract winemaking and recently bought their own bottling plant so they are completely self-sufficient, explains Daniel.
“We want to stay focused on making premium quality wine, and produce, market and sell it ourselves." [...]
Read entire article here.
Wine NZ Magazine, winter 2017, page 22